Here’s the music for Sunday’s Sung Mass at Mulgoa:
Pardon the weird filename, but that’s how it came out of the pdfjam program.
The recordings at Rene Goupil are quite nice - the Introit and Communion sound like the Monks of Triors in France.
So, choir practice this Thursday night (15th November)- at Girraween probably? Then sung Mass this Sunday 18th November at Mulgoa 10.45am.
Then we have choir practice on the feast of St Cecilia (22nd November) - doubly good day - patron saint of music and anniversary of some ordination that happened in Canberra a few years back. Probably hit the Advent music that night.
There has been some interest expressed in another sung Mass for the following Sunday (25th November), which would use the same music as above.
Then Advent!