We’re about halfway through Lent!
Next Sunday is Laetare, then Passion and then Palm then the Sacred Triduum and EASTER
Sung Masses:
- Passion Sunday - 13th March Lawson 5pm
- Holy Thursday - 24th March
- Good Friday - 25th March
- Easter Vigil - 26th March
- Easter Day - 27th March Lawson - probably 11am (tbc)
- 2nd Sunday after Easter - 10th April Lawson 5pm
- Pentecost Sunday - 15th May Lawson 5pm
Passion Sunday - 13th March - rehearsal 3pm 6th March and 3pm 13th March
Introit • Score Video Mp3 • Judica me Deus
Mode III psalm tone for Gradual & Tract (PDF)
Offertory • Score Video mp3 • Confitebor tibi (PASSION SUNDAY)
Communion • Score Video Mp3 • Hoc corpus
Mass 17 - Advent and Lent - it’s an easy one - no Gloria
Credo 1
See earlier posts for extras.
The hymn at Vespers of Passion Sunday is very stirring: Vexilla Regis