A Five Sunday Month!
4th Sunday after Pentecost (3rd July)
- Glory be to Jesus
- Virgo Dei Genitrix
- Draw nigh and take
- All Creatures of Our God and King
5th Sunday after Pentecost (10th July)
- Missa Cantata - Mass XI, Credo 1
- Anima Christi
- Help of Christians
6th Sunday after Pentecost (17th July)
- Hail Redeemer
- Jesu Dulcis
- Sweet Sacrament
- Hail Queen of Heav’n
7th Sunday after Pentecost (24th July)
- Missa Cantata - Mass XI, Credo 1 <- cancelled
- Firmly I Believe
- Maria Mater Gratiae
- Communion antiphon, Inclina aurem tuam
- Soul of my Saviour
- Holy God
8th Sunday after Pentecost (31th July)
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- Ave Maris Stella
- Communion antiphon: Gustate et videte
- Ecce Panis Angelorum
- We Stand for God