Month of the Holy Souls
6th November - 22nd Sunday after Pentecost
- Low Mass
- Drop, drop slow tears
- Languentibus in Purgatorio
- O Bread of Heaven
- Help, Lord, the Souls
13th November - 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
- Sung Mass - Dicit Dominus
- Languentibus in Purgatorio
- Help, Lord, the Souls
20th November - Last Sunday after Pentecost
- Low Mass
- Hail Redeemer
- Te Laudamus Domine omnipotens
- Soul of my Saviour
- O Jesus Christ Remember
27th November - First Sunday of Advent
- Sung Mass - Ad te levavi
- Angelus ad Virginem
- Conditor alme siderum
- Come, Thou long expected Jesus