The Circumcision of Our Lord
- Silent Night
- Lo, how a Rose e’er Blooming / Jesu Rex (Palestrina) / Veni Creator (Couturier)
- Let all mortal flesh
- Joy to World
- Veni Creator - for the plenary indulgence
8th of January - Holy Family
- Sung Mass
- Verbum Supernum
- The First Nowell
(or St Joseph???)
15th of January - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany
- Hail Redeemer
- Ecce panis Angelorum
- Adoro te Devote
- O Purest of Creatures
22nd of January - 3rd Sunday after Epiphany
- Sung Mass
- Panis Angelicus
- Holy, Holy, Holy
29th of January - 4th Sunday after Epiphany
- Praise to the Holiest in the Height
- Jesu Rex
- Soul of my Saviour
- All creatures of our God and king