Sunday in the Octave of Christmas

stmarysAECToday we had a Sung Mass at Mulgoa thanks to volunteers - new to Mulgoa, but regulars around Sydney and Parramatta Latin Mass apostolates.

Midnight Mass

Midnight Mass at St Mary’s Mulgoa 2012.

Sung Mass Lawson this Sunday

Change of plan for this Sunday’s music at Lawson.

Gaudete Sunday

Sunday 16th December 10.45am St Mary’s Mulgoa.

Second Sunday in Advent

Sunday 9th December 5pm Our Lady of the Nativity Church Lawson

The end is even nigher!

Here’s the music for Sunday’s Sung Mass at Mulgoa:

The End Is Nigh!

End of the Liturgical Year!

All Souls or Requiem Mass

All Souls Day

All Saints


Compline from the Little Office of BVM

Deus, in adjutorium meum intendeMuch of our choir’s work is singing the music of the Mass, but there is a whole lot of liturgical music for the Divine Office too. After an evening’s choir practice, it’s good to finish with Compline. The Little Office is pretty easy to work out - even all sung in Latin.