Help of Christians plans

The booklet for this Thursday night at Mulgoa:

Ave Maria

Amazing how hard it is to find a straight recording, but here it is:

Fifth Sunday after Easter

A simple sung Mass. No sprinkling on the night, starting straight with the introit and could have used a few extra verses to help keep the music going till after Fr says the Kyrie (we sang through the Kyrie then said it with the priest - should be able to time it better, but not a serious problem) choirsheet pewsheet Using Missa Orbis Factor because we know two masses so far: 8 and 11. Fr Eugene hanging in there despite being two days away from a much needed hip operation. Pray for his recovery!

Mary Immaculate

From the Saturday Singing in May MaryImmac2up

Short post to test new settings

Changes today

Pentecost preparations

Stuff for Pentecost. Here is the event page with google map and all.

New Bulletin is out!

The new bulletin for May/June is out for the Parramatta FSSP!

Requiem sung Mass this Wednesday

A sung requiem Mass this Wednesday, 10.30am, 18th April at Our Lady of the Nativity Church Lawson.

Testing out new system

Hope this works. Tonight I’ve moved the website over to new hosting and domain name.

Sacred Triduum, how it went

It was a sort of small scale Sacred Triduum this year. We were short of clergy - down to one priest, short of cantors - none really, but we managed to get through and it was sort of nice being low key and small.